Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Lord calls ALL to be Missionary!

"Our goal as missionaries is to work ourselves out of a job!"
(Joseph Summers)

          This is something our director says pretty often. This may seem strange, but when you think about the real goal as an FMC missionary, which is to "Proclaim the Gospel and Serve the Poor" it makes perfect since. Our goal is for people to come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ and their fellow neighbor, so that their community does not have to rely on missionaries or priests/religious in order to have a relationship with Christ. We GREATLY encourage at FMC that the people we are serving also come and serve with us.

Pope John Paul II said :
"Missions is the greatest and holiest duty of the Church"
(Mission of the Redeemer)

          But just because we are missionaries does not mean we are the greatest and holiest people! We strive for holiest of course every single day and strive for greatness, but everyone can do this! Everyone should do this! Everyone should be striving for holiness and greatness. Everyone should be missionary. The Lord calls ALL to be missionary!

"All authority has been given to me in Heaven and on Earth.
GO therefore and make disciples of all nations, 
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded of you."
(Matthew 28:17-20)

One of the greatest blessings and witnesses I got to see while in Mexico was a story about a Mexican man named Alfredo.

Yes it is weird if you think about it, Alfredo is an Italian dish STAY with me here people. One night we were far out in one of the isolated desert villages(ranchos) having a prayer meeting with the community and shockingly a man walked in. It was Alfredo. (Side note: in Mexico most men don't come to the chapels because they think religion is for women, unless they have had a strong male influence from a missionary or priest.) Turns out Alfredo is an alcoholic, and Praise the Lord, one of our missionaries gave a testimony on how addictions are a negative influence on our lives and are not a way God wants us to live.

 The next night we were driving through that rancho and we saw Alfredo out herding his goats and we waved to him. When he saw us, he dropped his walking stick and left his goats where they were and began running to our car! When we told him we were driving to the further rancho, he asked if he could come with us! Of course we said YES! So he jumped in the car and off we went.

"As He was walking along the Sea of Galilee He watched two brothers, 
Simon now known as Peter, and Andrew, casting a net in the sea.
They were fishermen. He said to them, "Come after me and I will make you fishers of men."
They immediately abandoned their nets and became His followers"
(Matthew 4:18-20)

When we get to ranchos we walk around ringing a bell and go door to door inviting people to come pray with us in the chapel. Alfredo was such a blessing since most of us couldn't really speak Spanish. When we were wrapping up our prayer meeting, we asked if anyone wanted us to pray over them.

Alfredo came up with us and laid hands on his fellow neighbors and prayed over them with us! HOW POWERFUL! He was recognizing that "I too can be a missionary! I too AM a missionary. I too am called!" He answered his call. He left his work. He left his comforts and he followed the Lord's desire for him to come with us that night in the rancho. To be a witness to them but also, he was such a huge witness to us.

We are all called to be missionary!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Joy in the Suffering

"Suffering makes us the most effective tool"

Something that I have been learning in mission life is the importance of suffering. That may seem weird to say because I think most of the time we think about suffering in two ways.
1. It just happens, it's part of life. or 
2. We usually get aggravated with God for letting the suffering happen. 

During these past few months of missionary training, I keep hearing of people I love and care about suffering back home. It has been very hard for me not to be there, present in all this suffering in my community. 

I have been getting pretty aggravated with God. I mean, I'm giving up my life, to serve Him as a missionary, following His plan for me. Isn't this supposed to bring me joy? Can you at least give me a break here God? Obviously I know in missions there is going to be more suffering than I have ever had to face before, but that's suffering in missions. When it has to do with suffering for things going on here, it makes me think He is trying to tell me to just call it quits and go back home, back to school, back to my church. Especially when being away is causing even greater suffering. 

Also, it has been making me upset that I'm going through this suffering because people I love are suffering. Why do they have to suffer, or go through these trials? Why does this have to happen, especially when it's dealing with faithful people who are active in their faith that are going through this?

Luckily, one of our missionaries gave a talk on this recently to put my perspective back in check. He said there are three reasons for suffering: to strengthen us, for unity between us and God/us and our community, and redemption. First He used an example of when His own daughter falls down or is upset or tired, the first thing she does is run to him, and when she doesn't, he is very sad. Thats all he wants, is for his daughter to always go to him when she is hurt or in trouble. So he can make it better. So she will be happy and not sad or in pain.

 When I think of the times that I haven't run to God, that makes me sad that I failed Him in that. I'm His daughter. He wants me to come to Him first. 

If I weren't getting upset or I didn't suffer about things back home, I think that would be a much greater shame. It makes me sick to think that for a second I was aggravated with God for this suffering. God doesn't make suffering happen. He just allows us to be affected by it! What a blessing that is!!! To care! To be affected by pain and brokenness!? Praise you Jesus for giving me this gift of compassion to suffer with pain and heartbreak and to be healed by it! And by healing from this suffering we are then strengthened by it. 

I need to be stronger. I need to grow in this strength everyday. I am a missionary. I am going to see suffering and joy daily. I can't just pick the joy and ignore the suffering, or let the suffering run me back to my own comforts and security. And sometimes suffering is needed to save us. So that we will run to Him.

Pope John Paul II said in Mission of the Redeemer:
  "Prayer needs to be accompanied by sacrifice. The redemptive value of suffering, accepted, and offered to God with love, derives from the sacrifice of Christ himself, who calls the members of His Mystical Body to share in His sufferings, to complete them in their own flesh."

Our suffering should never be wasted. Then it would be a shame. We are all going to suffer, especially when we follow God. But if we remember to run back to our Father, and unite our sufferings with Christ, He will fill us with Joy in the Suffering. 

"Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, 
and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions." 
Colossians 2:24

I ask for a special prayer request:
for my youth group back home: Our Lady of Prompt Succor
for the Junior class of Holy Savior Menard Central High School
and for the Michiels family who just lost their 17 year old son, Chase 
 may God bring him into eternal life 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Mexico Bound!/ Thank you Delaney Family:)

       The other day we had a talk about short term trips and the schedule we should follow when a short term trip is taking place. The missionary giving the talk used General Cepeda, Mexico as an example since we are going to be here for a month and need to be prepared for when the short term trip comes down for Thanksgiving. I for some reason finally realized that IM GOING TO MEXICO! It is so exciting! 

Before we left I got this awesome care package from the Delaney's that helped fire me up. They sent a box full of saints medals, Holy cards, crucifixes, rosaries, scapulars (brown, green, and white) prayer books, biographies of Saints, paintings of Mary. It was basically a Catholic girl's dream come true. And all blessed of course! Thank you Mrs. Sheree! You're the best! Love you:) 

Olivia & Phillip did not want to take a picture

Emily! almost to General Cepeda
Isaac being Isaac
So I got the great pleasure of riding down with the Seilhan family! Prayers that the van will make it back to the U.S because we kept bottoming out due to all the weight in the car and the many pot holes in Mexico.

We had to stop at the border to get our visas and we noticed the not so inconspicuous Mexican flag waving in the wind from the roof of the Aduana!

Everyone please keep me and the rest of our missionaries in your thoughts and prayers. Also I ask for prayers for the people of General Cepeda, Mexico where we will be serving.                                                        
God Bless 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Notre Dame Freshmen Retreat: The world needs the hope of Christ

Last week Joseph Summers(our director at Family Missions Company) asked four of the missionaries in training to help him put on a Freshman Retreat for a local Catholic School, Notre Dame. Of course when he asked I literally jumped up and down for joy because I have missed youth ministry so much! It just really has my heart.

We started the retreat off with some fun games and praise and worship, then Joseph began talking about God's Love for us. On a typical retreat or teaching FMC likes to give the full proclamation of the Gospel, or the Kerygma: God's Love for us, how sin destroys our relationship with God, Jesus came to save us from our sin, through repentance and belief in Christ we are saved from our sin, and lastly by living a Christian life through the Holy Spirit is how we should build the Kingdom of God.

When Joseph finished talking about God's amazing Love for us. How in the beginning as we all know, He made man in "our image, after our likeness... Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth. See, I give you every seed bearing plant all over the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food; and to all the animals of the land, all the birds of the air, and all the living creatures that crawl on the ground, I give all the green plants for food.” (Genesis 1: 26a, 28b-30)

"He gave us all this as a sign of His love for us."
As stated in Isaiah 43:4

"For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your savior. I give Egypt as your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in return for you. Because you are precious in my eyes, and glorious, and because I Love you."

This is positive right?? ...until the breakdown of sin happens and all the hopes and dreams of children are crushed! dramatic..In reality though, it is really crushing! Sin is just something that happens in the world, its normal, nothing we are ever really called to dwell on. After Joseph built up the awesomeness of God's Love he then crush it with how sin DESTROYS that relationship with God.
 He stopped his talk there and we split up into guys and girls groups to share about the talk.

A few of the girls made comments about the talk but one girl who I had been watching for a few minutes finally just bursted with... "But we can go to Confession right?? That's why the Catholic Church has confession! so we can confess our sins and be forgiven and then we can go to Heaven! because Jesus died for us we can be forgiven and go to Heaven?? Right?!

 I almost wanted to laugh because Joseph's point was totally made. She was so worried! But we should be worried! She was so right in that moment to actually reflect on our sinfulness and notice that it is a problem, that it's not just something we should take as normal. It's a serious thing. There was such desperation in her voice, it was inspiring for me to remember that sin is major problem that I should take seriously.

It also made me so aware of how truly desperate we are for Jesus Christ. Sometimes because He seems so attainable to us and is just always been apart of our lives, we tend to just put Him on the back burner. But we DESPERATELY need Jesus. The world especially is desperate for Jesus. It made me so much more confident in the fact that I am a missionary and how blessed I am for this call!

The Lord called ME, Lauren Roberts to go to the ends of the Earth to tell people about Him! How crazy is that?! He has called me and really calls ALL OF US to be a missionary for His Gospel! To bring that hope to His children! And not just Family Missions Company going to the ends of the earth to those who have never heard of the name Jesus but all His children need this hope! Even those who already know about Him! Clearly that girl needed to hear about the hope of Jesus Christ and she has grown up in Catholic school, in a family that practices their Faith, but there was still that desperation of needing to know that God Loves her and she is a sinner! but Jesus came to save her from that sin and if she repents and believes in Him and lives out her faith everyday He will safe her from that sin!

The world desperately needs all kinds of missionaries.

Later we finished the talk on the Kerygma and hope was restored with Jesus Christ so the teens were back in good spirits. It was very cool to see them transform and really take in everything throughout the day. I was blessed to give a talk on the importance of  community to them and the love they should have for each other because of this community Christ calls us to live in.
Two of our other missionaries (Thomas and Genevieve) gave talks on prayer and shared their testimonies. It was a pretty great day.

For something to make you laugh. Breana, one of our missionaries and a dear friend of mine was a bit discouraged before the retreat because she thinks she is not funny. She thought the teens wouldn't relate to her because she just isn't funny. I personally think she is a very fun person but she apparently doesn't think so. Anyways, so we prayed in the car on the way there that the Lord would make her funny to these freshmen.

I can't even count how many times some of the girls came up to me and said "Breana is SO FUNNY!" Hahahaha! It was awesome! Every time she spoke the room erupted with laughter. It was such a beautiful witness that no prayer is dumb in the eyes of God and that He will answer them!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Joy vs. Happiness

Joy and happiness are two terms that usually are used hand and hand. But there is a big difference between being happy and being joyful. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit which is given to us when we accept and receive the Gifts of the Spirit which is all made possible through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Joy is supernatural, it is something felt by angels and humans. It is purely from the Holy Spirit when you desire His Will in your life and desire a relationship with Him, no matter what will happen.

Happiness is a feeling we get from a good day. It can be obtained from money, possessions, and by being in great company! Happiness is great! But sometimes we think if we aren't happy about something, we think it is wrong.

Basically, the past few days I have been really sad about my decision of leaving school and going to be a missionary. I have been home all summer, not going to school and have been going through this whole process without any of my friends from school. Now that they have found out it's like this is all so real! Like, "WHAT?? Im going to be a missionary?? I'm not going back to school!? When I come back most of them will be graduated and gone and I missed it?! Am I sure about this..."
It has all been really sad, which made me really doubt my decision. Which is so stupid! because I WANT to be a missionary! and obviously by answering God's call and following His plan for my life is the TRUE desire of my heart and will give me the ultimate JOY... and then it hit me.

Being joyful is not the same as being happy. Being joyful is knowing that true happiness comes from God and that He is holding you, that HE is in control, and HE has the perfect plan for you. Yes it will be hard, it will be challenging, you will face trials and heartache and sadness and persecution and a WHOLE lot of things that won't make you happy! but at the end of the day you will be filled with overwhelming Joy if we just allow Him into our hearts.

Friday, August 30, 2013

I Will Climb This Mountain

When God called me a month ago to leave school and everything behind to give my life to Him for two years of service, I was overwhelmed with fear. I was in Mass at my church and looked around at all the people I Love so dearly that had no idea what I heard the Lord just speak to me and it was completely terrifying. 

My first thought was I can't do this, because I can't leave them. I can't leave my parish. I can't leave this church, this youth group, all these kids that I Love and have helped grow in their faith and they've helped with mine. not for two years. I can barely stand to be away from them for a day, let alone two years!

As you might have guessed, I am very close to my youth group and stayed close during this past year while I was away for college. Throughout this past year I came home from school any chance I could just to hang out with them or to participate in whatever we had going on that weekend. Usually wherever we go, whether it is a Steubenville Conference, a camp many hours away or especially retreats we have in our own town, we are always that obnoxious group... you know, the obnoxious church group that runs through the place loud and happy and just together. That's us. I Love it.

It's pretty much inevitable that we are this way. While whatever speaker is calling out the typical stereotype of the 'Conference Junkie" You know, the person who still has every retreat shirt, has attended every year possible and then continues to volunteer. At this point is when my group turns to look at me with loving eyes. especially my youth minister. but then we laugh because i look back at him and remind him that he was at the very first Steubenville Conference and has never missed a year, has been to every camp or retreat Catholic and Protestant when his musical talents are requested and 9 times out of 10 is friends with whoever is up there speaking. 
So basically none of us stand a chance but to be those Jesus freaks. that obnoxious church group.

It always make climbing the mountain a little easier. 

I am sure who ever is reading this has heard of the common example of the mountains and the valleys. Usually the mountain occurs because of the "retreat high" that we always long for. when our Love is greatest and our strive to serve the Lord is unstoppable. 
but then comes the valley.

The valleys I went through this past year where the hardest I have had to face. When I was away from my comfort and supportive youth group. I of course went through trials and some really hard times in high school. There's honestly always something because I can admit, I am an extremely emotional person, but what I remember through all of that hurt is that I always had my church. There was always someone there pushing me up the mountain. 

But all of that has prepared me so much in this decision to give my life to serve in missions.
When Jesus told His apostles "GO, and make disciples of all nations" He sent them out two by two. Because you CAN'T do it on your own. You need someone pushing you up the mountain. 
It's such a blessing to have that.

I know I am not doing this alone, I have so many great people that I have already become great friends with that will be going through all of this with me, that will help me through the valleys while on mission. 
It is just so hard to think of not only everything I will miss going through with them but also that they won't be with me to share in what I am going out to do. I wouldn't be at all surprised if wherever I end up, there's an extra suitcase or two under my name with a few stowaways. 
I know though that the great thing about a community is that it is something that surrounds you, helps you grow, helps form you into the person you are. You know the phrase.. "It takes a whole village"
All of that is so that one day, when it is your time to leave, you take all of it with you wherever you go. 

I lean not on my own understanding.
My life is in the hands of the maker of heaven. 
I Give it all to you God, 
Trusting that you'll make something beautiful out of me.

and I will climb this mountain 
 With my hands wide open

there's nothing I hold onto.

^^^Above are the lyrics to "Climb" by United Pursuit that is currently a favorite. The lyrics are very simple and the same message is continuously sung through out the song. I don't think it could be any more perfect for my decision with missions. 

and even though I am so unbelievably terrified about leaving. I know that this is all just another valley and I will climb the mountain.